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SY 24-25, Cycle 1. 4th / 5th Grade. Jan. - Feb., 2025. "Save Me A Seat." 

Even though every single one of us got sick during this cycle, we persevered and had awesome discussions about bullies, unseen similarities, and, of course, candy. 
Also, a student from the Historic First Book Club re-joined us before graduating. <3 
Photos by Julie Macy. 


Students holding their copy of book


Students holding food tray with candy on it.


Mx. Kim with student.





SY 23-24. Cycle 3. Apr. - May, 2024. 4th / 5th Grade. "Phineas MacGuire ... Gets Slimed!" 

"Gross! Mold!"

A student from the Historic First Book Club re-joined us in the last months of 5th grade. <3 

Photos by Cristina Streck














SY23-24, Cycle 2, 4th/5th Grade, Feb. - Mar. 2024, "Losers Club"
Photos by Cristina Streck
We had a blast talking about labels and our love of books!
"Go away; we're reading." 










SY 23-24: Cycle 1: 2nd / 3rd Grade. Book: "Jake Drake: Know-It-All."

This book helped us to explore being true to ourselves ... and appreciating our junk drawers!

A group of Know-It-Alls!

Photos by Janet McCarthy







SY 22-23, Cycle 4, 4th / 5th Grade, Book: "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe." 




This silly group provided great discussion and lots of energy. <3 

Photos by Janet McCarthy

SY 2022-2023: Cycle 3: March, 2023, 2nd/3rd Grade.  Book: “Eagle Song.”

Loved the diversity of opinions among this group as we explored whether peace is easier than violence.

Photo by: Janet McCarthy




SY 2022-2023: Cycle 2: Jan. – Feb. 2023, 4th/5th Grade.  Book: “Crenshaw.”

A tough book topic made easier by purple jelly beans and the comradery of returning Book Club members!  <3

Photo by: Janet McCarthy


SY 2022-2023: Cycle 1: Oct. – Nov. 2022, 2nd/3rd Grade.  Book: “Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World.”

Reading is great and all, but who can resist a big pile of leaves?

Photos by: Isabel Ollinger




2021-2022 HISTORIC Book Club, Cycle 2, 4th/5th Grade. 

"Skunk Scout" by Laurence Yep provided many much needed laughs for this silly group (this cycle ran during the stressful state testing period). 

Group photo


Group, %22stinky skunk%22 silliness

2021-2022 HISTORIC Book Club, Cycle 1, 2nd/3rd Grade

We had a blast reading "Donavan's Word Jar" by MonaLisa DeGross and making our own word jars. 

Group photo


Group Photo %22#1%22


Group Photo, Silly Faces


Group holding book


Group, our word jars