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Click on a Staff name below for a list of their favorite things!

          Office Staff

Lari Powell - Principal

Cristina Streck - Admin. Assistant

Amanda Boman - Attendance Clerk

Vince Guerra - Custodian

Zhanna Kondryuk - Night Custodian


          Special Teaching Staff

Crystal Idrogo - P.E.

Erin Betz - Music

Enrique Huizar - Music

Rafael Jimenez - Music

Sarah Jackson - Intervention

          Auxillary Staff

Amanda Boman - Instructional Aide

Danyale Cox - Instructional Aide

Amy Lobos - Instructional Aide

Victoria Lobos - Instructional Aide

Lynn Smith - Instructional Aide/Yard Duty

Coline McNeil - Resource

Lauren Reich - Speech-Language Pathologist

Carmen Wille - Psychologist

Lauren Shepley - P.I.P. Specialist

Jennifer Riffle - School Nurse

Jennifer Williams - Health Aide

Cheryl Vedrolivo - Kitchen

Debbie Goetz - Kitchen

Kim Mitchell - Library Clerk

Lia Tsao - Parent Coordinator/Yard Duty

Neelam Jain - Yard Duty

Judy Long - Yard Duty

Claire Ucler - Yard Duty

Natalya Zhezherya - Student Care

Nahyrubi Fernandez - Student Care

Aileen Hsu - Student Care

Mary Mnatsakanyan - Student Care

Shoghik Zakaryan - Student Care